Having a good plan is the foundation for a quality pack year. The annual pack planning conference will be in early August (at the committee meeting).
Den plans are due by the end of August. A den plan includes the dates and content of all den meetings for the pack year.
We need den plans so early to reserve facilities and ensure the boys will be done before crossover or promotion.
Step 1: Schedule the Meetings
- Have a consistent time, location, and day of the week.
- Start off planning two meetings a month.
- Determine meeting dates through May – nothing after the spring campout for Tigers through Webelos; nothing after Crossover for Arrow of Light.
- Adjust the plan around the pack meeting schedule.
Your meeting dates will be used to request facilities from HTCS. It is better to have the actual dates rather than something general (f.ex. first and third Tuesday of each month).
Step 2: Read the Leader Guide
The leader guides are extremely important. Read the entire front portion – it explains the den leader job. The adventure lesson plans will help you figure out how to distribute activities onto your schedule.
Step 3: Build the plan
- Map the required and elective adventures to your schedule.
- The den leader guides for your rank has lesson plans for all adventures. Some adventures are planned over multiple meetings.
- Leave in space for electives, visits to community locations (like the fire station), and a conservation or service project.
Ready-made plans to finish rank requirements in 4-5 months
Why reinvent the wheel? [Links coming as soon as we organize our Den plans]
Step 4: Keep in mind…
- Build in time for practicing skits. Skits are needed for both campouts and the Blue and Gold Banquet.
- Build in time to create Blue and Gold decorations and table centerpieces.
- Build in time to practice flag ceremonies.
Month | Pack Meeting (TBD) | Skit/Song | Crafts | Flag Detail |
August | Family picnic | Arrow of Light | ||
September | Fall campout | X | Webelos | |
October | Rocket derby | Bears | ||
November | STEM night | Wolves | ||
December | Caroling | None | ||
January | Pinewood derby | Wolves | ||
February | Blue and Gold | X | X | Bears |
March | Crossover | AOL – open, Webelos – close | ||
April | Cubmobile | None | ||
May/June | Spring campout | X | Tigers |
Webelos Preparation Guide
WEBELOS = “We’ll be loyal scouts” (always with an S, never WEBELO, even when referencing a singular Webelos scout). Webelos scouts don’t have dens… they have patrols. Here is what a new Webelos den leader needs to do in addition to building an advancement plan.
- Establish the patrol identity
- Adopt the patrol method
- Plan to go camping together
- Prepare for Scouts BSA transition
1. Establish the patrol identity
- Pick a patrol name
- Decide on a patrol patch
- Create a patrol flag
- Patrol name and patch ideas are at the bottom of this page
2. Adopt the patrol method
- Establish a method for picking/rotating a patrol leader and assistant
- Work with the scout patrol leaders to have a predictable routine for each patrol meeting: opening, closing, and awards distribution
- Ensure the scout patrol leaders understand the expectations for their role and have the knowledge to run the routine
- Get input from the scouts for all major decisions
3. Plan to go camping together
- The most important factor to planning patrol camping is to collaborate with parents when the pack year begins
- Make parents active participants in setting the objectives and expectations; defining the benefits of patrol camping; and explaining logistics, supervision planning, and concerns
- Look for camping opportunities: fall Webelosree, spring Diocesan campout, or any free weekend at a family camp venue (like Burke Lake)
- One registered leader must complete IOLS training (ideally by spring of the Bear year)
- Supervision rules: three adults, including at least one registered leader with IOLS training
- Normal YPT and Guide to Safe Scouting rules apply, of course
4. Prepare for Scouts BSA transition
- Akela is different now: advancement activities are now only approved by the den leader, not the parents
- Pack 680’s chartered organization wants scouts to feed into Troop 680 to support the chartered organization’s youth mission
- Work with the Pack 680 and Troop 680 leaders to establish ties and regular contact with Troop 680, including having a Troop 680 den chief
- Encourage summer camp at Goshen – the scouts establish bonds of friendship at Goshen that make them want to cross over together into Scouts BSA
Webelos Patrol Names
Scouts love silly names. If you give them complete latitude on picking a patrol, they’ll go on an epic quest to find the most ridiculous patrol name possible and then try to top it. It is very important that the ultimate choice be theirs, but you, as the adult, can steer their range of choices.
Patrol listing from the orginal 1911 BSA handbook: (page 20) (page 21)
Patrol listing from the 1929 Patrol Leader’s guide: (patch listing)
Word document showing “standard” patrol names: (pdf document)
Other sites for patrol patch ideas:
- https://www.scoutshop.org/catalog/category/view/s/patrol-emblem/id/740/
- https://tradingpost.classb.com/boy-scout-patrol-patches/
- ClassB.com patrol patch poster (pdf)
- https://www.patchtown.com/patrolpatches.aspx
- https://boyscoutstore.com/collections/patrol-patches
Patrol names with “nuclear”, “radioactive”, or “flaming” require Cubmaster approval. The Cubmaster may veto a name that is in poor taste or disrespectful.